our team

We are the Penn students that make up the Penn Model Congress. Hover over us to learn more!

Marc Edayadi
Hailing from Long Island, NY, Marc is a senior double majoring in Political Science and Urban Studies, with a minor in Survey Research & Data Analytics (SRDA). He has been involved in Model Congress since freshman year of high school. He started as a member of the Conference Prep Commitee for PENNMC 2021, served as Programs Director for PENNMC 2022 and has been the President since PennMC 2023. Outside of Model Congress he is involved with the Penn Government and Politics Association, Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, and the Philomathean Society. Please feel free to contact him with any questions at medayadi@sas.upenn.edu about PennMC, student life at Penn or politics. He can’t wait to deliver you an amazing conference experience!
Vice President
Isabela Bagdady
Isabela is a senior from Connecticut studying Political Science and Legal Studies and History. On campus, Isabela is an editor for the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal, a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society, and a past participant in the Penn in Washington program, where she interned in the House of Representatives. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano, playing tennis, and exploring new places to eat. Feel free to contact Isabela at isabela7@sas.upenn.edu. She previously served as Social Director is excited for a great conference experience in 2024!
Executive Director
Remy Rabin
Remy is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences on a pre-law track. She proudly hails from Westchester, NY, and has attended Penn Model Congress since her first year of high school. Model Congress was the highlight of her high school experience, and she is thrilled to be continuing with it in college! Outside of Model Congress, Remy is an Assistant Secretary-General of ILMUNC (Model UN), a member of Penn Policy Consulting, and is involved at Penn Hillel. She previously served as Chief of Staff and is looking forward to PennMC 2024. She is happy to answer any questions at remyrab@sas.upenn.edu!
Executive Director
Jennifer Mesa
Jennifer is a sophomore majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Originally from Miami, FL, she was involved in the legislative process through research and lobbying. Her interest in law and public policy drew her to joining the Penn Model Congress team. On campus, Jennifer is also involved with the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal and Penn Mergers and Acquisitions. Feel free to contact her at jenmesa@sas.upenn.edu for any questions regarding Model Congress and all things regarding being pre-law at Penn.
Business Director
Josearmando Torres
Born and raised in Chicago, Jose is a junior in the College majoring in Political Science with minors in Survey Research and Data Analytics and American Public Policy. Although he had no experience with Model Congress prior to Penn, he played a large role in his high school's debate team and loved to judge competitions across the city. Apart from Penn MC, he is involved with Penn Political Review, the Penn Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies (PORES), and hopes to intern in Washington D.C. next year. In his free time, he likes to go on runs along the Schuylkill river and discuss hot sports takes. Jose can't wait to contribute to the best conference yet!
Chief of Staff
Veronica Smith
Veronica is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics on the Pre-Law track. She was President of Model Congress at Branford High School in Connecticut where she participated in Model Congress for four years. In addition to Model Congress, Veronica is a member of Penn Dems and Moot Court on campus. Feel free to reach out to her at vhsmith@sas.upenn.edu as she is excited to help host her first conference at Penn and give back to the Model Congress program.
Programs Director
Zion Abebe
Zion is a sophomore in the College of Arts & Science studying Biomedical and Political Science on the pre-law track. She participated in Speech & Debate all four years of high school, Congressional Debate being her favorite event. Zion hopes to pursue healthcare policy and international development in the future. In her free time, she enjoys photography/videography, writing, cooking/trying new foods, and watching films! Feel free to contact her at zgabebe@sas.upenn.edu.
Administrative Director
Sarah Floquet
Sarah is a sophomore from South Africa majoring in Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences. Heavily involved in both Model African Union with the African Leadership Academy, and internationally-based consulting with the X-Culture Academy, she now consults for the Daily Pennsylvanian, WUCC and WRC.
Social Director
Mia Antonacci
Mia is a sophomore majoring in Political Science and is from Boca Raton, Florida. Outside of Model Congress, she is involved in the Penn Government and Politics Association. Feel free to email her at miaanton@sas.upenn.edu.
Executive Branch Director
Jo Howard
Jo is a senior majoring in Political Science and minoring in Economic Policy as well as English. Originally from Oceanport, NJ, Jo took part in several debate conferences like Model Congress growing up and is so excited to join the Penn Model Congress team. On campus, she is involved with the Philomathean Society, the Penn Debate Society, the Theatre Arts Council, and the Sigma Iota Rho International Relations journal. Please feel free to contact her at johoward@sas.upenn.edu for questions about the Executive Branch, or about Penn in general! Jo is so excited to meet you all at conference this year.